Wednesday, July 2, 2014

and will endure for ever by the strength of the freedom pillar!!! #freeandargachewtsigie #Yemen #ESAT #Aljazeeara #CNN #አብቢን

Hlina Konjo
29 mins ·

#freeandargachewtsigie #Yemen #ESAT #Aljazeeara #CNN #አብቢን

I understood that it is only when i be free that all will be freed!! so prior to everything we all better start freeing ourselves...first break your silence and stand up for your right then for all you knew and then for all you hear listen and see and the for all!! then you will get your motherland Ethiopia, All Ethiopians and Ethiopianism being freed!!
and it is at that end that you will enjoy the joy of freedom and will taste the fruit of Freedom by the influence and Oneness of Freed people, country and oneness sprite being staled like the the pyramid!!
and will endure for ever by the strength of the freedom pillar!!!

trust me...Lets free our selves from the very beginning and break our silence!!! so that we get to be the most strong!!! and will get to be more stronger!!
many freedom fighter especially those who undergo the unity oneness and Ethiopian ism far sights will continue to be targets of the tyrannic regime!!

and i am sure that it will make all of us stronger and stronger!!!
because it is same as the story of the caterpillar which has to toil much to be butterfly!!

Ethiopia, Ethiopians and Ethiopian ism will endure for ever!!!

EPRDF stop killing, imprisoning, chasing and torturing of every "EXPRESSORS" and freedom fighters!! unless let me tell you it will cost you and may ask you to pay the tribute!!!

NO people has been oppressed up to the the level of their extrication RATHER every Oppression has caused for uprisings and rebellions which may cause big crisis at national and individual level!!!

I am really obssessed by the detention of Andargachew Tsige and is ashamed of EPRDF...cause this was not the better and effective way to lead a country and a people of 21st century!!!

EPRDF if you have got eyes which can see and ears which can listen...mind what is happening in every corner of the world!! everybody is condemning and getting together in order to force international community for condemning this!!!
thanks it is ABBIN!!! #አብቢን

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