Friday, July 4, 2014

Still OUR movement and momentum for fight of dictatorship has to come to one and has to be preplanned and for this we have to be in calm mood!!! and has to be in full commitment to do all sacrifications ....................................#አብቢን ...........................................

Still OUR movement and momentum for fight of dictatorship has to come to one and has to be preplanned and for this we have to be in calm mood!!! and has to be in full commitment to do all sacrifications
....................................#አብቢን ...........................................

WHEN I read different pieces of writings by different bloggers and FB page owners and writers I am thinking back the History of EPRP...the hidden history but which was latter exposed in a corrupted manner...

Why was the EPRP fail to do so?
what was the reason for its failure?
may it be because of the internal problem of the leaders only?
or may it be because it planned to struggle by starting from cities and towns rather than the rural peasantry inclusion?
What was the reason
or may it be because of untrained killers of cadres mistake?
What so lets calm down and lets do two tasks for the time being

1. We have to continue our struggle to the release of OUR HERO both diplomatically and other important paths
2. We have to come together and mend out broken bridge so that we can work with one Ethiopianism sprite and unity this will lead us to gain the power of oneness and we better use all methods and directions of solution to down this dictator!!!


#ESAT #ETHIOPIA #YEMEN #ERITREA #ETHIOPIANs #freeAndasrgachew #አብቢን #miniliksalsawi #gezahegnabebe #samvodson #netsanetyibeltal #tirunehyirga

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