Wednesday, July 2, 2014

በነፍሱ ተወራርዶ ዱር ቤቴ ብለው ነፍጥ ካነሱ የነጻነት ዓርበኛ ጋር ወያኔን ፊትለፊት ለመፋለም በግንባር የተሰለፈ፥ የኢትዮጵያ የቁርጥ ቀን ልጅ፥ ገና ከመነሻው ወያኔን እንቅልፍ የነሳ፣ ሆዳም ወራሪ ኃይልን ያስጨነቀ የእኛ የነጻነት ናፋቂዎችና ለተጠቃው ሕዝብ ጀግናችን ነው፥ ስለሆነም፥ የሰላም ተስፋ በጨለመ ቁጥር ለትግሉ ያበረታናል፣ እንድንጨክንም ያደርገናል፥ በዕርሱ ላይ የሚደርስ ምንም ዓይነት ጉዳት የሁላችን ሕመም ነው፥ ለወያኔና ለጀሌዎቹ የሚያመጣው ዓደጋም እጅግ ከፍ ያለ ይሆናል፥

you know what me ‪#‎አብቢን‬ is feeling now!!! hahaha...very strong and confident...!!!!
EPRDF/ the tyranny detained the true Ethiopian fighter for Ethiopia and I assure that it is me tomorrow who is to be chased as have I start to make my self too strong and durable okay!!!
I am getting too strong and durable 'cos Andargachew the prominent foreleader is strong but detained cos he is I have decided to to be more strong than ever!! this will shock the tyrannical junta... Wow it seems that we all ethiopians are being chased by devil and 666...with pretending that we have no where to hide...ha
but this nowhere to hide made us to be more strong and insist on the where we are...being strong so we willbe able not only to defend but to enjoy victory too!!! GET STRONG ENOGH GUYS then else no need to hide any where and no need to runaway out but to keep getting strong at same place with SMART and smart mind okay!!!
GET STRONGER!! And know that every ally of the Tyranny will handover you if they are aske to do so by EPRDF... so get stronger!!! here is the sovereignty crash; here is for the first time that i have ever become so mad at this...JUNTA!!!
‪#‎Yemen‬ ‪#‎freeAndargachewTsigie‬ ‪#‎algazeeara‬ ‪#‎CNN‬ ‪#‎Bretain‬ ‪#‎LONDON‬ ‪#‎Yemenembasyinengland‬ #አብቢን ‪#‎ESAT‬
شعب إثيوبيا هي صدمة وخيبة الأمل على الاحتجاز غير القانوني لل
Andargachew Tsige، الأمين العام لحركة Ginbot7 شؤون العدل والحرية والديمقراطية من قبل قوات الأمن اليمنية خلال رحلة عبور له في اليمن. سيد Andargachew هو أصل إثيوبي والمواطن البريطاني الذي يسعى جاهدا لانتشار الديمقراطية في إثيوبيا. وقال انه كرس نفسه لقضية الحقيقي للشعب الاثيوبي، والرغبة لا مفر منه من أجل الديمقراطية. على الرغم أحبطت بنجاح، لقد حاول النظام الدكتاتوري الجنائية في إثيوبيا لاغتيال زعيم Andargachew في نوفمبر تشرين الثاني 2013. السيد Andargachew هو بطل للشعب الاثيوبي ويعد واحدا من الرموز الديمقراطية في البلاد. كان سينا منتدى الأمن التي تم توقيعها في عهد الرئيس السابق لليمن علي عبد الله صالح والدكتاتور السابق لإثيوبيا زيناوي Melse التي تؤدي إلى تأسيس جبهة تحرير شعب تيغري قاعدة المراقبة في اليمن لمراقبة والتنصت على الهاتف المعارضة الاثيوبية قلق بالغ لشعب الاثيوبي. الاحتجاز غير القانوني السيد Andargachew، من قبل قوات الأمن اليمنية منذ 23 يونيو 2014 لا يوجد لديه الأرض وقلق بالغ لشعب إثيوبيا. نحث الحكومة اليمنية إلى الإفراج فورا السيد قوات الأمن Andargachew واليمن بعدم نقله للنظام الجنائي في أديس أبابا تحت أي ظرف من الظروف. اليمن ليس لديه الأرض لاعتقال السيد Andargachew الذي يعمل بلا كلل من أجل انتشار الديمقراطية في إثيوبيا. نطلب من الحكومة اليمنية لتقييم بعناية الفائدة على المدى الطويل والتعاون الدائم مع شعب إثيوبيا وتجنب بالآجال قصيرة في التعامل مع النظام الدكتاتوري في اثيوبيا. عانى العلاقة التاريخية الطويلة بين شعب البلدين الشقيقين، على الرغم من تغيير الأنظمة، على أساس من التعاون المتبادل. شعب إثيوبيا تعتبر عملا من أعمال نقل السيد Andargachew للنظام الدكتاتوري في اثيوبيا كما هجوم مباشر على تطلعها طويلة والنضال من أجل ديمقراطية حقيقية في البلاد. نطلب بموجبه الرئيس هادي بعدم اتخاذ أي خطوات من شأنها أن jeopardies العلاقة طويلة الأمد بين شعب البلدين الشقيقين وتأمر بالإفراج الفوري عن السيد Andargachew. شكرا لكم مقدما على اهتمامكم #freeAndargachewTsigie
ጉሮሮህን ሲይዝህ አይኑን ጠንቁለው ነውና ፦ Desperate Measure Requires Desperate Action! የአቶ አንዳርጋቸው ፅጌ በየመን መንግሥት የመታሰር አደጋ፤ በጣም እንዳስደነገጠንና ሕዝብን እንዳስጨነቀ ሁሉ፣ እኔንም እጅግ አሳስቦኛል ፤ እንቅልፍም ነስቶኛል፦ ይህ የወያኔ የድፍረት እርምጃ፥ ለአገር ሰላም ፣ ለሕዝብ እኩልነት፣ ለእምነት ነፃነትና ለዲሞክራሲ የሚታገል ኢትዮጵያዊ በየትኛውም ዓለም የደህንነት ዋስትና እንደሌለው የሚያሳይ ከፍተኛ አደጋ ነው፥ ጉሮሮህን ሲይዝህ አይኑን ጠንቁለው ነውና ፦ በበኩሌ ከመቸውም በላይ ጠላትነታቸው እየከረረ እንደመጣና ማንኛውንም መስዋዕትነት ለመክፈል እንድዘጋጅም አድርጎኛል፦ እንግዲህ የእነርሱን ዲፕሎማቶችና የመንግሥት ተወካዮች በቅርጫት ይደብቋቸው እንደሆነ እናያለን፥ ነገሩማ የአቶ አንዳርጋቸው መያዝ እያንዳንዱ የኢትዮጵያ ልጅ ማንነት የሚመዘንበት ፤ የወያኔ ድፍረትና ማን አለብኝነት የሚታይበት ፈታኝ ጉዳይ ነው። የወያኔ ባለስልጣናት እና ቤተዘመዶች ተሰደን በምንኖርበት ዓለም ሁሉ በነፃነት የመንቀሳቀስና የመሰብሰብ መብታቸው አደጋ ላይ መሆኑን ሊገነዘቡ ይገባል ። የህ የዓንዳርጋቸው ነገር እንደ ባለአእምሮ በማስተዋል ካልተያዘ እኛም እንደ እነሱ ዞግ ለይተን በግለሰብ ደረጃም ቢሆን እርምጃ እንድንወስድ የሚያስገድድ የእያንዳንዳችን ኃላፊነት ያደርገዋል ፦ this is the facebook page of yemen embasy in USA
#Yemen Hlina Konjo #freeAndargachewTsigie Yemen Free Andargachew tsigie he is our prominent figured leader!! you are detaining 80 am above millions of Ethiopians!! We Ethiopians are fighting for our freedom with the tyranny government of Ethiopia...Which we have not assigned and gave vote to lead us and govern አብቢን Just now Hlina Konjo #freeAndargachewTsigie Yemen Free Andargachew tsigie he is our prominent figured leader!! you are detaining 80 am above millions of Ethiopians!! We Ethiopians are fighting for our freedom with the tyranny government of Ethiopia...Which we have not assigned and gave vote to lead us and govern አብቢን #freeAndargachewTsigie Yemen Free Andargachew tsigie he is our prominent figured leader!! you are detaining 80 am above millions of Ethiopians!! We Ethiopians are fighting for our freedom with the tyranny government of Ethiopia...Which we have not assigned and gave vote to lead us and govern us... EPRDF in Ethiopia is the governing body which has not 100% got the power to lead and govern us so that We Ethiopians are colonized by the local colonizer while above 95-96% of the population is enslaved by the minority Junta. Andargachew tsigie the prominent leader which you have detained is our Hope and he is Our "future leader" from whom we all Ethiopians expect much if you release him and if you don't hand over him to this dictator tyrannical "gov't". #Yemen What we are begging you is not much difficult only to release our prominent leader Andargachew Tsigie!!! you have nothing with him. it is only when your state and government mends eternal cooperation with the majority Ethiopians than you satisfy for the always betrayal EPRDF. We Ethiopians know that you have good relation ship with EPRDF...And at same time you are to be granted 300 mega watt electric power for which you are not to pay or for which you are to pay less but onething that you have to know that is it is the property and the electric power of ETHIOPIANS not the property of EPRDF that you are to be benefited from...therefore #Yemen you better release our bright future. Remember #yemen It is10s of millions of Ethiopians that you have detained by this time...because we need him healthily with no mental psychological or physical harm of our leader!!! We know that ‪#‎Yemeny‬ people have longstanding and historical relationship with Ethiopia!! very Long so we ETHIOPIANS numbering about 90 million people are requesting your government to release our leader!! Let me make this sure that We Ethiopians are crying today when we heard about his detainment...because all of us thought as our future is detained for ever at all...that is why we request you!! We know that you are a member of metro-pole but this is non of your business he is the man of freedom...he is your future national interest determiner too...than EPRDF as far as he is supported and hoped by 90 millions of ETHIOPIANS!!! THIS message is for YOU Yemen!!! Posted by አብቢን Posted by አብቢን Posted by አብቢንአብቢን: Open letter to Open letter to Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi: President of Yemen Arab Republic July 1, 2014 Open letter to Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi: President of Yemen Arab Republic July 1, 2014 The people of Ethiopia are Shocked and disappointed over the illegal detention of Andargachew Tsige, Secretary General of Ginbot7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy by Yemen security forces during his transit flight in Yemen. Mr. Andargachew is an Ethiopian origin and British citizen who has been struggling for prevalence of democracy in Ethiopia. He has devoted himself to the true cause of Ethiopian people, the inevitable desire for democracy. Though foiled successfully, the criminal dictatorial regime in Ethiopia has attempted to assassinate the leader Andargachew in November 2013. Mr. Andargachew is hero for Ethiopian people and is one of the icons of democracy in the nation. The Senna Security forum that has been signed under former president of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh and former dictator of Ethiopia Melse Zenawi which lead TPLF to establish surveillance base in Yemen for surveillance and phone tapping on Ethiopian opposition has been serious concern for Ethiopian people. The illegal detention of Mr. Andargachew, by Yemen Security forces since June 23, 2014 has no ground and is grave concern for the people of Ethiopia. We urge the government of Yemen to immediately free Mr. Andargachew and the Yemen security forces not to transfer him to the criminal regime in Addis under any circumstance. Yemen has no ground to detain Mr. Andargachew who has been tirelessly working for prevalence of democracy in Ethiopia. We request the government of Yemen to carefully evaluate its long term interest and lasting cooperation with the people of Ethiopia and avoid short termism in dealing with dictatorial regime in Ethiopia. The long historical relationship between the people of the two sisterly nations has endured, in spite of changing regimes, on the basis of mutual cooperation. The people of Ethiopia considers the act of transferring Mr. Andargachew to the dictatorial regime in Ethiopia as direct attack on its long aspiration and struggle for genuine democracy in the nation. We hereby request President Hadi not to take any steps that will jeopardies the long lasting relationship between the people of the two sisterly nations and to order the immediate release of Mr. Andargachew. Thank you in advance for your serious consideration. Mulat Hailu Open letter to Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi: President of Yemen Arab Republic July 1, 2014 The people of Ethiopia are Shocked and disappointed over the illegal detention of Andargachew Tsige, Secretary General of Ginbot7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy by Yemen security forces during his transit flight in Yemen. Mr. Andargachew is an Ethiopian origin and British citizen who has been struggling for prevalence of democracy in Ethiopia. He has devoted himself to the true cause of Ethiopian people, the inevitable desire for democracy. Though foiled successfully, the criminal dictatorial regime in Ethiopia has attempted to assassinate the leader Andargachew in November 2013. Mr. Andargachew is hero for Ethiopian people and is one of the icons of democracy in the nation. The Senna Security forum that has been signed under former president of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh and former dictator of Ethiopia Melse Zenawi which lead TPLF to establish surveillance base in Yemen for surveillance and phone tapping on Ethiopian opposition has been serious concern for Ethiopian people. The illegal detention of Mr. Andargachew, by Yemen Security forces since June 23, 2014 has no ground and is grave concern for the people of Ethiopia. We urge the government of Yemen to immediately free Mr. Andargachew and the Yemen security forces not to transfer him to the criminal regime in Addis under any circumstance. Yemen has no ground to detain Mr. Andargachew who has been tirelessly working for prevalence of democracy in Ethiopia. We request the government of Yemen to carefully evaluate its long term interest and lasting cooperation with the people of Ethiopia and avoid short termism in dealing with dictatorial regime in Ethiopia. The long historical relationship between the people of the two sisterly nations has endured, in spite of changing regimes, on the basis of mutual cooperation. The people of Ethiopia considers the act of transferring Mr. Andargachew to the dictatorial regime in Ethiopia as direct attack on its long aspiration and struggle for genuine democracy in the nation. We hereby request President Hadi not to take any steps that will jeopardies the long lasting relationship between the people of the two sisterly nations and to order the immediate release of Mr. Andargachew. Thank you in advance for your serious consideration. Mulat Hailu Posted by አብቢን
ታጋይ ይታሰራል፥ ይሰቃያል፥ ትግሉ ይቀጥላል፥
ጀግና ይሞታል ጀግና ይተካል፥
ዓንድ አንዳርጋቸው ቢታሰር ሚሊዮን ዓንዳርጋቸው ይነሳል፥
ጀግናው ኢትዮጵያዊ የነጻነት ዓርበኛ፥ ዓንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ የኢትዮጵያና የሕዝቧ ጠበቃ፥
ለኑሮውና ለግል ሕይወቱ ሳይሳሳ፥ እንቢ ለአገሬ በማለት በነፍሱ ተወራርዶ ዱር ቤቴ ብለው ነፍጥ ካነሱ የነጻነት ዓርበኛ ጋር ወያኔን ፊትለፊት ለመፋለም በግንባር የተሰለፈ፥ የኢትዮጵያ የቁርጥ ቀን ልጅ፥
ገና ከመነሻው ወያኔን እንቅልፍ የነሳ፣ ሆዳም ወራሪ ኃይልን ያስጨነቀ የእኛ የነጻነት ናፋቂዎችና ለተጠቃው ሕዝብ ጀግናችን ነው፥
ስለሆነም፥ የሰላም ተስፋ በጨለመ ቁጥር ለትግሉ ያበረታናል፣ እንድንጨክንም ያደርገናል፥
በዕርሱ ላይ የሚደርስ ምንም ዓይነት ጉዳት የሁላችን ሕመም ነው፥
ለወያኔና ለጀሌዎቹ የሚያመጣው ዓደጋም እጅግ ከፍ ያለ ይሆናል፥
ተሰደን በምንኖርበት ዓገርና በምንጓዝበት የዓለም በረራዎሽ የሰላማችን ዋስትና ከተነፈገን፥
ወደ ዓልፈለግነው የጠብ ጎዳና እየገፉን እንደሆነ ሊገነዘቡ ይገባል፥
‪#‎Yemenfreeandargachewtsigie‬ ‪#‎esat‬
በምንም መልኩ ቢሆን ኢትዮጵያ ኢትዮጵያዊያንና ኢትዮጵያዊነታችን ከሚፈልጉት ነፃነት በላይ የየግላችን ዝናና ስም ካስጨነቀን ተሳስተናል፡፡ ይህ ህዝብ ያጣው ዝነኛ አና ስም ያላቸውን አደለም ስምና ዝናማ ሞልቷል ያጣው ግን መረጃ ማስረጃ እና ነፃነት ነው፡፡ ሶስቱ /ኢትዮጵያ ኢትዮጵያዊያንና ኢትዮጵያዊነታችን/ ሲል ግንባሩን ለጥይት አጋልጦ ፍርሃቱንና እና ድብቅነቱን የህዝብ ጥያቄ ፍቅር ስለበለጠበት ገሃድ ያደረጋና ነፃ አውጭ ላጣው ህዝብ የሚቆምለት ነው ይህች ሃገር ህዝብና ኢት…

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